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USP – Make It Work !

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is at the heart of all your marketing and sales efforts. It distinguishes you from the competition. You can use it as a slogan, or you can expand it into an elevator speech to succinctly capture the essence, strengths, and uniqueness of your product or service in no more than 20 seconds.
Mickey Marraffino, owner of MMMarraffino Marketing, told me in a recent interview, “Make adjustments based on your audience but feed it into your brand.”

To help you build a powerful USP, answer these five questions:

What is it that makes your company, firm, or consultancy stand out from your competitors?
Why do your clients/customers continue doing business with you?
What is it about your company that makes it unique?
Why should customers/clients come to you?
What do you have to offer that they cannot get anywhere else?

When the public hears the name of your company, firm, or product, what adjectives come to mind? How are you and other colleagues known throughout your community? If you don’t know, I strongly suggest you ask… today.

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