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Little Red Riding Hood Wallops the COVID-19 Wolf

We have faced the big bad wolf before, confronting obstacles never amassed in such numbers or hurled with such spirit- deflating persistence as this Covid-19.

Remember, Little Red Riding Hood feared the wolf at first. Then she walloped him. Moral of the story: Rainmakers can also kick the wolf, especially the one at the door.

Of course, the facts aren’t pretty. An overview of the economy shows significant job loss among current and former clients. As a result, the fear factor (Maslow’s Hierarchy) accelerates searching for new business and prospects. Factors driving the selection process are both operational and economic.

Here’s where Little Red Riding Hood can do some serious clawing. New opportunities will be created daily. Particularly for small to midsized firms and companies that base their survival strategies on client service, an enticing new business tool is now accepting applicants.

It would be a shame to squander such opportunities by falling back on old excuses. Now is the time to sell by overcoming client resistance and offering a carrot or two to pique the buyers’ interest.

In any event, the real takeaway is that every impediment to accelerating revenue can be transformed into a revenue acceleration tool. Know where the wolves lurk and how they do their best hunting.

For the tech-savvy, the horizons are vast.
• Access the relevant sites.
• Ask your own questions, offer responses.
• Contact the questioners.
• Link them to your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. pages.

Do them now! And have them ready for the return to action.

The very fact that you are resourceful enough to do so will be a critical differentiator between you and your competition.

The Big Bad Wolf is typically a bully. But he does not stand a chance with people who fight back using our Business Development Roadmaping.

Dr. Allan Colman,
Chief Revenue Officer

Firm Leadership