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IN 2015 – Will You Have Tunnel Vision or Funnel Vision, 1- 4.

To really understand your firm’s business development potential, you need to ask a series of questions we offer based on the 7 key accelerator segments,
* Opportunities
* Communication
* Objections
* The “ASK”
* The “CLOSE”
* Results
* Pipeline.

The first 4 firm-wide Business Development questions are:

1. Are you making decisions on underperforming activities and investments?
2. Are your attorneys multiplying the use of single marketing tools to leverage wider exposure and response generation?
3. Is your firm expanding the number of attorneys actively selling/
4. Do you establish completion timelines with specific assignments to attorneys and/or staff professionals?

We’ll post the remaining questions on tomorrow’s blog. Collect them, answer them and send to us on a confidential basis. We’ll provide a complimentary assessment of your business development strategic plan options.