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Build a Business Relationship With Your Customers or Clients

Build a Business Relationship With Your Customers or Clients

Allan Colman
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Allan Colman

Revenue Accelerator Expert 🚀 | Speaker 🎤 | Professor of Marketing 👨‍🏫 | Author of The Revenue Accelerator 📘

  A joint venture usually includes an agreement on how much each invests and what the overall marketing and sales strategy will be. Profit distribution, specific responsibilities, metrics for analyzing progress and growth, and a clarifying legal agreement are musts.

·       Contracting for managing the product or service is another option. Having another organization manufacture and distribute for you can help you remain focused on refreshing and updating your product and working on new versions. Again, legal agreements should always be utilized.

·       Licensing is often used as a way to enter a specific market. It is designed to assign another company to use your trademark, logo, or collateral materials and to actually manufacture and sell your product or service.

·       Financial investment is often the difference between a start-up’s success or failure. Do not become so focused on building your product or service that you ignore thinking ahead and looking at all the tools you will need to access and obtain funding.

·       Become a business partner with your customers or clients. Where you have similar goals, this type of partnership can offer a variety of benefits over many years. Demonstrate to them how you keep costs and fees palatable. Show you are amenable to new ideas and new ways of doing business that help both companies.

Putting the ‘Rev’ Back in Revenue

We’re writing to you today with exciting news. Made for Success, Bryan Heathman publisher, has completed a new course designed for small business owners called the 90-Day Revenue Sprint

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Born from years of implementing rapid revenue growth programs with entrepreneurs, Dr. Allan Colman engineered this robust video course to help grow your sales pipeline – FAST.
It’s certainly been a difficult year for many businesses, and many are asking “How do I bounce back?”. You can STILL have a record-breaking year for sales, and you don’t need to simply be treading water through this challenging time.
Isn’t it time to accelerate your revenue?
I can’t wait to see you there!
Bryan Heathman
Made for Success Publishing

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The Time to Bounce Back is NOW!

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Undoubtedly, 2020 and 2021 will go down as among the most challenging years financially for many businesses. However, simply because the year is challenging does not mean that 2021 has to be a bad year financially. Whether you are trying to stay afloat or endeavoring to break a revenue barrier and reach new heights, the 90-DAY REVENUE COURSE will enable you to take back control of your SALES PIPELINE.

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So Get Started Already !

When a new client said, “Honestly I don’t know how to begin developing new business,” my response was “So get started already.” As Mark Twain said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” 


There are simple instructions to help find new clients and close new business. The following seem so elementary yet are often overlooked by even experienced revenue builders.

  • If you see a prospect or a client or his/her company mentioned in an article, clip it and send it with a handwritten note.
  • How about this one: Keep in touch with your college buddies?
  • If you are on local boards of directors, offer your professional expertise, or get active on the program committee. Give decisive preference to those foundations and boards with current or prospective clients whom you may be selling to (or want to sell to) and with which you are already involved.

 And ABR: Always Build Relationships. 

Who Will Replace Your Clients?

Who will replace your clients if they retire or leave their companies, agencies, commissions, etc.?  Good leaders have the responsibility to ensure that all of their client-contact team members build relationships with their peers at clients and in professional organizations.

A critical component of this tactic is to ensure team members identify who would replace clients if they left their positions or if the company was acquired.  Invite them to be on a conference panel with you, ask about co-authoring an article which would appear in their industry journal.

  • Is your firm holding senior management accountable for client succession planning?
  • Does your firm’s professional development program include “on-going” business development training?

Read OWN THE ZONE for proven tactics to enhance client relationships at;

“Everyone is in Sales – It is the only way to stay in business.”

According to Harvey Mackey, a true marketing guru, ‘EVERYONE IS IN SALES – IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO STAY IN BUSINESS.”  It is the responsibility of all firm leaders to ensure that everyone, yes everyone, build relationships with their peers at clients, professional organizations and with their friends.

So when we heard a firm professional say, “My partner does all the selling; I deliver the work”, it was time to bring in the senior management.  Simple, common themes provided to everyone in an organization can really help develop and raise your profile.  So, just do it.


Creating value and communicating it to clients and prospects is essential to jumpstarting your revenue. These form the next three of 12 essential practices to accelerate new revenue.

VALUE: Are you building value in your customers’ eyes?
COMMUNICATION: Have you built a customer satisfaction ladder?
TEAM: Have you created a commitment-based culture?

Notice how client-oriented these three essential revenue-accelerator practices are. Let us work with you to make them work for you.

Enduring Competitive Advantage – Do You Have One ?

Does your firm have an enduring competitive advantage? Number 3 in our 12 essential steps for accelerating revenue growth is all about strategy and how to gain clarity, focus and execution. You need to know:

  • What is developing with your competitors and market place?
  • How much time are you spending on the planning process?
  • What are the critical improvement areas most in need?
  • Have you pre-tested strategies?
  • What your OPSP, one page strategic plan, will accomplish in each 90 day period.
    • Purpose
    • Focus
    • Key objectives
    • Iniatives
    • Progress metrics.

More in next post.