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Never Park In Front of a Bar

“Never park in front of a bar” is one of the “55 Wise Words” for successful marketing.  You are urged to go deep to understand the message.  This is the first in a series which will contain several of the wise words.  We use them with our marketing and business development advisory and success training, especially with 4-6 year Associates.

  • Never cancel dinner plans by text message!
  • Don’t knock it ’til you try it.
  • There are plenty of ways to enter a pool.  The stairs are not one of them.

Stay tuned for more!!

There’s No Such Thing as a Cold Call

There’s no such thing as a cold call in law firm marketing.  In fact, you never have to make a so-called cold call.  The resistance some professionals have to business development isn’t unlike the distaste for wintery weather conditions – and a lot of it stems from a distaste for making these cold calls.  The term implies a lak of control over the turns of the conversation, hint at feeling stuck – as though there are no other options for attracting new clients.  They may even fill one with a sense of dread over the fear of icy responses from the individuals they have called.

We use a group of simple tactics to identify previously unknown prospects so that a much “warmer” approach can be taken.

Pechakucha! Try it – You’ll like it.

The Closers Group wants your firm to try out a powerful, entertaining way to boost new business from your firm’s attorneys, our PECHAKUCHA! In our keynote presentations and workshops, the first 6 minutes and 40 seconds are dedicated to highlighting 20 cartoons about marketing and business development. And they are combined with the latest observations and tactics to grow new business now.

The world’s first law firm marketing coloring book, THE NEW COLORS OF LAW FIRM MARKETING (on Amazon, etc.) assists in overcoming the ever increasing pressures on attorneys to grow more revenue. Yet, at the same time, many resist efforts by marketing professionals to assist.

This is an entirely new and humorous approach to educate your group on marketing, business development and business generation. AND, you an even color in the book. To learn more about trying Pechakucha, go to CONTACT.

Who Should Talk More, You or the Client? Business Development Myth #4.

New Business Development Myth #4, Client’s want you to do most of the talking! Nothing could be more “untrue.” Keep your resume to yourself and let the potential client do the talking. Adopt the old IBM 60/40 sales training rule — keep them talking 60% of the time and spend the remaining 40% asking good questions based on your pre-meeting research.

Pay attention to the prospect/client’s verbal cues, and refine your pitch accordingly.

Since When Do Attorneys Need to Wait For Marketing? Myth #3

If you have been challenged to bring in new business, why do attorneys need to wait for the Marketing Department? Ultimately, the onus is on the sales team to bring in (and often to keep) the business. Marketing should support those goals with collaterals, media and public relations activities and by identifying seminars and workshops that help facilitate network development.
Once you have the information and sales training, plan a strategy to pursue the business and hone in on your “closing” skills. Maximize your conversion rates!

“Marketing Should Not be Left to the Marketing Department.” – David Packard. His message means that everyone should be marketing, the marketing department, legal assistants, paralegals, accounting AND attorneys. Business development is chasing suspects and prospects, business generation means “closing” the deals.

Top 5 Myths of Business Development

The top 5 myths of business development require you to understand what successful business development is not!

Marketing is about being found, not chosen. How you get found is through publicity – media outreach, networking, collateral materials, conducting and attending workshops — that targets the eyes, ears and interests of your potential clients.

But first you have to locate the target. That is business development. Even more specific is “business generation,” which requires ( dare I write it ) sales training and closing skills.

A Proven “Must” for Business Developers – Engaging Prospects

Recently, we participated n a brainstorming session with a group of attorneys.  The focus was on how to improve selling.  Even though they represented different practice areas, they all agreed on which marketing tactics were most effective..  As a business development advisor, I listed closely to their feedback —  so much so that we recommend expanding your business development training to include their top rated tactics.

Here are their five top tactics for “engagement”:

* Talk with, not at!

* Test your approaches;

* Leave one primary “takeaway”;

* Do not repeat:

* Utilize “active” listening.

Engaging with prospects, and even suspects, enables you to show your your investment with them and is as crucial as your message when it comes to generating new business.  You can learn more about engaging with prospects and increasing sales at

CONVERSION MARKETING – A Must Read for Marketing Your Business Online

If you are searching for fresh marketing ideas for your website, take a look at CONVERSION MARKETING.  This book is loaded with suggestions on how to run promotional campaigns which convert visitors into buyers.

The book was written by Bryan Heathman, CEO of Made for Success Publishing, which contains 16 psychological tools of influence that describe how to influence the buying behavior of website visitors.

Bryan brings a colorful perspective from his Fortune 500 marketing experience for technology powerhouse Microsoft and big – brand marketer Eastman Kodak.

Endorsed by NYT best-selling authors Brian Tracy and Don Huston, CONVERSION MARKETING is a must-read and is available at bookstores everywhere including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.