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Do You Put Growth before Value?

Do You Put Growth before Value?

Clearly identifying your “value” to clients and customers is a critical link to other essential practices for revenue growth including your brand, strategy, marketing approaches, communication, etc. It is often referred to as a Unique Positioning Statement. And there is a vital back-end to how using your value can be translated into a prospect’s needs. But first, instead of a time consuming, theoretical approach to clarifying your value, begin by asking questions.

1. When clients, competitors and prospects hear your firm’s name, what adjectives come to mind? Are there common themes or adjectives used? Once clarified, use them to communicate who you are in all aspects of marketing and business development.
2. Determine what it is that makes your firm, consultancy or company stand out from your competitors?
3. Why do current clients continue doing business with you?
4. Are there things that make your firm truly unique?
5. Why should clients and prospects actually come to you for services?
6. What do you have to offer that is not available elsewhere?

Once you have taken the time to answer these questions, and come up with the most powerful thing that makes your firm special, create a single, simple statement that sets you apart from your competition. It is your value and relates directly to your brand and core story. This value statement must reflect the honest fact that sets you apart from the rest. Honesty is the key – make sure you can fulfill the promise 100% of the time.

Now what about this back-end use for your value? When meeting with prospects listen carefully to their needs. Respond to them with examples of how your group has dealt with similar problems or issues, thereby demonstrating your values. If successful, you will have converted their needs to your values! And you are on the road to new business.

The very expectation of value creates a dynamic that is optimally conclusive to “closing.”

Firm Leadership