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So How Do You Grow Revenue?

To grow revenue, there are 12 essential practices to maximize. The Key to transforming sustainable revenue to productive revenue lies within the firm’s leaders who should be addressing these 12 critical impact areas. We use them to guide clients into growing more revenue, more clients and opening more doors.

The first three essential practices are:
BRAND — Does your brand identity equal longevity?
LEADERSHIP — Will your current efforts create sustainable revenue growth?
STRATEGY —  Do you have an enduring competitive advantage, focusing on 90-day “critical improvement areas?”

For more details.


WE ARE BACK! With “SINGLE-TASK MARKETING” and business-development services not typically available to small- and mid-sized firms

— Identify and Win New Client Acquisition
— Refine and Manage Strategic Business Marketing Plans
Launch Revenue Breakthroughs
— Accelerate Revenue Leadership
Build Strategic Marketing Alliances
Customize Highly Focused Training
Jumpstart “Team Path” for Client Service Teams

Each “single task” includes profitable tactics to close more new business rapidly.

Our team made a conscious decision to back away from new work in order to understand where our clients’ needs are moving. These needs have shifted dramatically, due primarily to budget constraints. Intern, these have limited marketing and business development departments from adding the skills and experience necessary for specialized tasks needed to grow new revenue.

For a 30-minute complimentary phone consultation on which of these “single tasks” might help your firm grow new revenue, contact Allan directly.

So You Think You Are Communicating?

The message we all too often give to clients is that “you are not really communicating” with your staff or clients. Most often the messages are heard but not understood. Or, as General Motors CEO Mary Bara states, the challenge is “head nodders.” Those are people who say yes by nodding their heads and then doing just what they were doing before. So how do you really get things done?

By explaining the “Why” in order to get the “What” accomplished. And then following up with holding folks accountable for implementation, not just letting them drift off into their past format.

Becoming an effective presenter and communicator does take practice. You need to show how to solve problems, help your staff and partners achieve their goals, contribute to their well being and sometimes even entertain.

Develop an inventory of communication approaches for various settings and concerns. Consider what follow up is needed, and by whom, to implement the matters under discussion. Use collateral and social media where appropriate, whether for internal communication in the firm or with clients.

Clients – ahh – an entirely different set of communication parameters are needed. More on that next post.

Are You Marketing to the Wrong Prospects?

All too often we find clients marketing to the wrong prospects. This is frequently caused by simply treating all leads alike. Or the internal pressures to generate new business cause a professional to overlook the necessary pre-meeting strategy.
Using the OSOP (One Page Operating Plan), we recommended in our last post, add the following to determine who the correct business development prospects are and then go get them:
  • Master lead generation
  • Determine what you do that stands out versus your competition
  • “Audit” all your meetings and results
  • Use our 14 deal-making steps
  • “Creative abandonment” (Drucker) means drop the poor performers
  • Simplify and use your CRM
  • And build a customer-satisfaction ladder to refine and grow your new business development.

Enduring Competitive Advantage – Do You Have One ?

Does your firm have an enduring competitive advantage? Number 3 in our 12 essential steps for accelerating revenue growth is all about strategy and how to gain clarity, focus and execution. You need to know:

  • What is developing with your competitors and market place?
  • How much time are you spending on the planning process?
  • What are the critical improvement areas most in need?
  • Have you pre-tested strategies?
  • What your OPSP, one page strategic plan, will accomplish in each 90 day period.
    • Purpose
    • Focus
    • Key objectives
    • Iniatives
    • Progress metrics.

More in next post.

Zombies and Business Development Leadership


Business Development Leadership – Part I.

By Allan Colman

Marketing the Law Firm, March, 2016


If you were hoping I would define leadership for you, I can’t.  What we will cover includes zombies, stampeding horses and a former King of Prussia and how they fit in with the 6 primary elements of exceptional leadership.

In our book, the Crazy Impact of Leadership, Rick Justus points out that the most often overlooked leadership task is leaving a legacy for the organization – an impact for the future.  And he calls it “crazy” because most leadership programs and texts forget this key contribution of a real leader.  In fact, Steve Jobs described his goal, when Apple began, as building “insane new products.”

Now why can’t I define leadership for you?  I keep going to the well looking for a definition from the experts and here’s what I’ve found.

  1. In a recent backlogofbusiness blog, there was a great article about “Leading into the Future.” It addresses the everchanging business landscape, the need to train your teams for the future, keeping your workforce informed, being transparent, helping them to understand your vision and keeping your workforce fully engaged.

It sounded great until the blog page ended with a large advertisement:

“POTTY TRAIN YOUR DOG IN 6 DAYS.” – I won’t give you the author’s name.

  1. While continuing to search for a definition of leadership, I researched what others identified as major leadership keys.  One said –


Another called for “Freedom Based Leadership”.  Reading the definition makes it sound like herding cats.

  1. Here’s another of my favorites, “SIMPLY FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF.”
  2. How about this one, “THINK OF YOURSELF AS BEING THE SUN,” quoting astronomer Kepler in her definition.
  3. I ended my search when coming across this quote from Jack Welch, GE’s former boss – ”KNOW THAT WEEDS BECOME DEAD WOOD.”

Is it any wonder I can’t define leadership?  But I can relate to you the components of exceptional leadership and how to leave your own Crazy Impact.  Through my work as a chief executive, speaker and advisor to managing partners, agency administrators, etc., here are the 6 skills that are each crucially linked in order to make an impact.  They are:

  • Leaders Listen
  • Leaders Make Decisions
  • Leaders Communicate
  • Leaders Hold People Accountable for Results
  • Leaders take risks


  • Leaders Leave a Legacy.

The analogy most fitting is that of an orchestra leader.  “To be successful they must turn their backs on the audience.” (James Crook)  Think about attending a symphony orchestra performance, the experience of bringing a diverse group of instruments together.  Such a performance can serve as a reminder of how amazing things can result when various elements work together for one outcome.

But there is something bigger than you can take from the experience – an understanding of the importance of a strong leader.  Consider this, while an orchestra’s conductor does not play an instrument, she or he is arguably the most important member of the symphony.  After all, the conductor is responsible for ensuring that each player knows his or her part and for delivering a polished presentation to the audience.

Some professionals feel out of tune in their efforts to make decisions and have them implemented.  It is crucial to remember, however, that leadership is an highly focused activity that must be internally orchestrated.

You must decide which advice to take, determine which of the available tools and strategies will work, assign implementation tasks, hold people accountable, weigh the risks, and consider the impact on a future legacy.  These are the exceptional leadership tasks future posts will cover in detail.

But not to leave you guessing, Tom Ziglar refers to employees as “Zombies.”  We will put them all in context next time.


Allan Colman, Managing Partner of the Closers Group, is a speaker, author, business strategist and leadership advisor.  Reach him at


“Business Unusual” – Firm Leadership and Revenue Growth

Firm leadership and revenue growth is the second of 12 essential practices to make your business unusual.  Ask your colleagues the following:

  • Describe the “client experience”;
  • Describe your current efforts to create sustainable revenue growth;
  • Describe your professional development program and diversity and inclusion efforts;
  • What has triggered clients cancelling relationships?
  • If there is a next level of growth, what does it look like?
  • What % of your colleagues cross market and market internally?
  • What are the 3 most important actions you or the firm take to bring value to your clients?
  • What 3 actions can you delegate or spend less time on?

The answers and solutions will come directly from what you hear!

Business Unusual — Do You Really Have a Brand?

To determine if your firm will have “business unusual”, ask your colleagues if you really have a “brand.”  There are 12 components to accelerating revenue growth and the first is your firm’s brand.  Learn if it has any traction at all by asking each professional the following questions:

  1. What industries/groups use your services now?
  2. Which do you enjoy working with?
  3. What % of your new business are from referrals and repeat clients?
  4. Do you still use an old bio?
  5. What are the only services you can offer to clients?
  6. How would you describe your current stage of revenue growth?
  7. If you were to ask, what would clients say about the value you bring to the table?
  8. External perceptions of the firm?  of you?
  9. Describe your firm’s culture

If you have true brand identity, you and the firm will have longevity!

Prevent Laterals – A Major 2018 Business Goal

Preventing laterals should be a major business goal for all law firms in 2018.  The survey we conducted did not receive enough responses to be publishable.  BUT, other than retaining clients and new client acquisition – duh!-, preventing laterals needs to be emphasized.

In today’s highly competitive market for gaining new business with in-house counsel, your attorneys with a significant book of business are prime targets.  Talk with them, make sure they are getting all of the support they say they need,   Understand they are indeed receiving calls from recruiters and many are already holding exploratory meetings.

Where firms make retaining laterals their number 1 business goal for 2018, retaining clients and new client acquisition will be following.

Why Clients Fire You

“Why clients fire you” is the title of an article written by our own Valerie Goodman back in May, 2016.  At a recent conference I was asked if I could repeat it for an unusual way to kick-off 2018.  It should be one of the first questions law firm management should be asking now.

In the Closers Group experience, lack of attention to client retention is a primary reason clients fire you.  When it comes to attorney marketing and business development the first step is to value and properly serve the clients you’ve worked so hard to get in the first place.  It is one of the simplest ways to accelerate business, wouldn’t you agree?

In Jay Abraham’s “Getting Everything You Can From Everything You’ve Got”, he cites many reasons why clients have become dissatisfied and have left even long standing relationships.  Think about clients who have left your firm.  Can you attribute any one of these reasons as a possible cause?  Our Client Satisfaction Survey found the following answers:

  • Lack of contact
  • Decisions made without authorization
  • Non-responsive
  • Failure to respond
  • Cost increases with no notification
  • Their internal situation changes.

Your new mantra should be CLARIFY – FOCUS – EXECUTE.